One of the things that I learned from Professor Flick's lecture was that there are 3 types of negative outcomes to occupations. The first one is Occupational deprivation which is the lack of access to engagement in an array of
self-selected occupations with meaning to the individual, family, or community. For example, a child living in a neighborhood with gang violence so the family is afraid for them to interact with the children in that neighborhood. The second one is Occupational apartheid which is different individuals, groups, communities can
be deprived of meaningful and purposeful activity through segregation due to
social, political, economical factors and for social status reasons. An example if this is segregation and slavery. The third one is Occupational alienation which is experiencing devoid of meaning or purpose, a sense
of isolation, and powerlessness, frustration, loss of control, or estrangement
from society of self that results from engagement in occupations that do not
satisfy inner needs related to meaning or purpose. An example of this is a person or persons who are struggling with addiction.
Another thing I learned are the 3 different types of interventions. The type of intervention that OTs use mostly is the tertiary intervention. tertiary intervention limits the impact of an ongoing illness, injury, or
disability that has lasting effects and helps improve the quality of life.